Workplace Health and Safety Regulations by TelKee Lockable Cabinets

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Workplace Health and Safety Regulations by TelKee Lockable Cabinets

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”, that’s Murphy’s Law, and for this fact and for the general wellbeing of the populace, taking proper care to enforce security and safety to workplace and its surroundings is critical, to the employer, employees and the population. TelKee Lockable Cabinets offers some insight into workplace health and safety. One rule of thumb that is advised by TelKee is to maintain a Workplace Health and Safety cabinet to keep all WHS Acts, Regulations, Policies and Procedure documents and manuals in order for all personnel in the organisation will be made aware and you are able to take steps to ensuring a safe working environment for everyone.

Each of Australia’s state has a regulator for Workplace Health & Safety. It’s important to be aware of WHS laws and regulations in your state and you should be able to contact your WHS state regulator for advice on the following matters;

  • Complying with Work Health and Safety laws
  • Reporting a workplace incident
  • Renewing or applying for licences
  • Workers’ compensation claims
  • Registering plant and plant designs

The following are their contact information.

Jurisdiction Regulator Telephone
New South Wales WorkCover NSW 13 10 50
Victoria Victorian WorkCover Authority 1800 136 089
Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Qld 1300 369 915
South Australia SafeWork SA 1300 365 255
Western Australia WorkSafe WA 1300 307 877
Australian Capital Territory WorkSafe ACT 02 6207 3000
Tasmania WorkSafe TAS 1300 366 322 (Within Tasmania)03 6233 7657 (External)
Northern Territory NT WorkSafe 1800 019 115
Commonwealth Comcare 1300 366 979


There aren’t many incidents that require a regulator present, and is only require in the event of a serious incident, where it triggers requirements to preserve the site of the incident pending further direction from the regulatory authority. Such incidents include;

  • the death of a person
  • a ‘serious injury or illness’, or
  • a dangerous incident arising out of work carried out by a business, undertaking or a workplace

In the event of such an incident, by WHS law, you are to do the following;

  • immediate notification of a ‘notifiable incident’ to the regulator, after becoming aware of it
  • if the regulator asks—written notification with 48 hours of the request, and
  • preservation of the incident site until an inspector arrives or directs otherwise

Make sure to store this information in your Telkee Workplace Health and Safety Cabinet!

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