Key Cabinets and Key Tags
Let’s face it; being assigned a bunch of keys can be a real hassle, especially if you have to carry them around in a big old key ring with so many dangling keys attached to it. You might spend ages trying to figure out which key opens which door and it can be a real headache. That’s a thing of the past with key cabinets and key tags that allows you to only carry one master key to the key cabinet itself on your person. All those other keys you are responsible are happily stored on hooks according to their number which corresponds to that of the key tag, and is catalogued in the index cards or book.
Telkee Lockable Cabinets offers a great range of lockable secure key cabinets as well as a range of printed key tags for your convenience. The types of key cabinets on offer depend on the various needs you might come across and they range from the like of suspension file systems, vehicle cabinets, and adjustable shelf cabinets.
If you already have the likes of filing cabinets in your office, then you need not purchase extra secure lockable cabinets, as you can merely add on one or more key hook suspension file systems to store, and manage your keys. However, do make sure that the drawer that you are implementing the suspension panels in has a lock to ensure security of your keys and thereby the assets that you are safeguarding. These suspension file systems for key management are available in three models. Namely, the 50-hook suspension file system model comes with 2 panels that facilitates 50 keys and comes with all the standard tags and accessories. The 100 -hook suspension file system model comes with 4 panels and accordingly facilitates that capacity whilst the 200-hook suspension file system model comes with 8 panels. They are all available with the standard key tags and accessories.
Industries that would require these types of key management solutions would include the likes of offices, schools, hospitals, institutes and even governments. However, vehicle car yards and car parks would find them advantageous too. In such cases, Telkee Lockable Cabinets offers a wide range of vehicle cabinets that are equipped with mechanical key pads for keyless entry, key tags for each key item and not forgetting other accessories such as car yard stickers, long-life battery pack, audit software, perforated number sheets, and much more.