Productivity Solutions for Government Offices
Working for a high traffic office with critical information passing your desk daily? Being in the digital era, these documents are usually stored virtually, perhaps on a cloud based system or in-house data centre. However it’s no surprise that there are many times that physical records are needed and you need to rely on filing cabinet solutions, multiuse lockable cabinets and a means to safeguard the keys for these very cabinets – secure key cabinets.
Here are some productivity tips and solutions we’ve compiled that may be beneficial working in a high paced office.
Creating a DMS – A document management system can be implemented both virtually and physically. This is set in place in order to maintain organisation, and will be a point of reference for future use in terms of naming & dating conventions, security guidelines for access to said information, procedures for archives, style sheets and templates too. With a better organised system in place, you will find that you, your work colleagues and/or employees will spend less time looking up files and items for reference as they have been duly indexed in an efficient manner. Often with the case of sensitive information being saved in either lockable filing or multi use cabinets, you will also need a system for managing your keys! The TelKee Lockable Cabinets for key management as ideally suited for this purpose as they also offer keyed and keyless entry locking systems for improved security.
Syncing Project Management Information – From project scopes, timelines, progress reports to calendars are important and should be easily accessible and synced to your project team’s devices.
Printing Services – Despite being in the digital era, we can avoid printing out critical papers. When you’re working in a large office you need to use your resources efficiently and with the case of printers, many will find it cumbersome as they wait for the printer to be available. A new way of helping manage your office printer is with cloud based solutions.
Technology Maintenance Plan – Developing a long terms plan to maintain your technologies is crucial to better foresee and manage breakdowns due to systems becoming obsolete. Staying on top of the technological curve is a good rule of thumb as properly functioning equipment is crucial to any productive and efficient office.
Look into the Simple Things – Every little effort put into making things easier on your office goes a long way. An easily accessible system, aesthetically appealing workplaces, regular scheduled breaks and downtime (for recharge), team building exercises and more is the ideal solution. When creating a work environment that is desirable, you are looking towards a happy workforce for productivity and efficiency improved.
Stay tuned to the TelKee Lockable Cabinets blog for more insights into office tips and solutions!