Automotive Dealership Key Management
Automotive dealerships and rental car fleets need to be in control and able to track car key activity at all times. With a completely organised key management system in place, car dealerships will be able to reduce unauthorised access and cut down on key loss. One of the most secure ways of doing this is with a Telkee vehicle key cabinet which designed specifically to control access to keys in a vehicle lot, servicing baby or inspection shop. Each key should be attached to a numbered (either pre-numbered or customised according to your unique numbering system) key tag and placed on a numbered key hook within a durable and secure lockable key cabinet. Keep reading for a few reasons how a vehicle key management system can help your automotive dealership.
Dealership Key Management Eliminates Costly Losses
Without an effective and secure key storage system in place, it’s almost impossible to constantly monitor dozens or hundreds or vehicles for lost keys, mystery mileage and unexplained damage which leads to unnecessary expenses and your insurance costs increasing.
Telkee Lockable Key Cabinets in Australia provide dealership key storage systems the ability to track where all their keys are, where they have been and who you needs to be held accountable – minus the delay of having to hunt this information down! By using the vehicle key rack which has specially designed key hooks to hold large bunches of keys, key tags, perforated number sheets for the key hooks and Telkee signature strip which need to be filled out before keys are accessed, you will have all this information at your fingertips.
Provide Faster, Better Service with Dealership Key Management
No more wasting time hunting for keys, while the customer grows impatient! Take a client for a test drive in a matter of minutes and the close the sale faster. Choose to have your vehicle key rack equipped with keyless entry featuring a mechanical keypad locking mechanism, a manager override lock and a slam latch door. This will allow sales staff to access car keys in minutes by entering the pin number. Time does not have time waster locking the key cabinet after removing a key, as the slam latch door features means the key cabinet is secured as soon as the door locks. The manager override lock function allows managers to secure the vehicle keys at the night by locking the cabinet with a key, so no one else has access to keys.