Wall Mounted Cabinets for the Office

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Wall Mounted Cabinets for the Office

When you’re in need of a lockable cabinet but you don’t have enough floor space, you can resort to using your vacant office wall space to utilise your office to the fullest. Whether you are looking for key cabinet or storage solutions to hold the likes of Workplace Health & Safety manuals and guidelines and other objects that require it be under lock & key for safety reasons or general policies.

If you’re looking for cabinets for key management solutions, then your need differs from that for storage solutions as it implies a “system” is needed. With a wall mounted lockable key cabinet you can store and manage as many keys as the maximum capacity allowed. When you buy lockable cabinet solutions from Australia you can do so online or via distributors or resellers, you get the option of choosing the sizing and capacity you require (as expansion panels are provided to accommodate more storage than the default), and not to mention the security features (lock & key or keyless).

With storage cabinet solutions you may need it to store multi-use, hazardous or sensitive items/materials/documents. With adjustable shelves you are able to utilise it to its full potential. They also double up as Workplace Health and Safety cabinets whether it’s in a building or at a makeshift/container office on a work site. Of course these steel cabinets can easily be wall mounted to a sturdy wall or partitioning, and are available in beige or gray, that will match most interiors.

These secure office management solutions can be flexible to your needs too. If you have already purchased the likes of a TelKee Lockable Key Cabinet and you need to store and manage more keys, that’s easily doable with the suspension panels that can be fixed to your existing key cabinet depending on the maximum capacity specified (this depends on the small, medium and large key management solutions).

The same applies to existing filing cabinets in your office and you are in need of an office key system – you can use TelKee’s suspension key panels that comes with key hooks and label slots that you can slide in with the perforated sheets also available through TelKee Lockable Cabinets Australia.

Once you have set your wall mount lockable cabinets, you can either make use of the key management system and accessories provided by TelKee Australia, or you can devise your own. With these options, you can improve efficiency and maintain a safe work environment with ease.


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